maio 24, 2020

Pensamentos Esparsos

Qual a diferença entre a loucura e a ousadia?
O sucesso.


Perdão não alimenta ressentimentos mas tão pouco deve repetir erros ou ignorar custos.


Até onde precisaremos cair para entender o momento de começar a subir?
Quando o conforto psicológico sucumbir ao sofrimento físico.


Quando a desesperança me alcança então lembro que a vida é dom divino e portanto o caos é momento transitório de processos evolutivos.
Efetivamente não criamos nada, apenas transformamos.
Não inventamos nada, apenas passamos a perceber.
Não nos fazemos nascer, somos nascidos.
Não podemos extinguir, apenas transformar estados onde a morte é apenas transição entre etapas que não determinamos.

À medida que revejo esses pontos, tudo torna a ficar claro novamente porque da nossa impotência nasce a certeza de um sentido externo criador cujo dom divino da vida sustenta sua criação.
Então a desesperança desvanece à medida que a lembrança supri minha alma de uma certeza amparada pela razão.


Sometimes people carry to such perfection the mask they have assumed that in due course they actually become the person they seem.

W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)


Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue.

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)


maio 22, 2020

Brazil: Regina Duarte and the Dictatorship Fuss

I'd like to highlight two key concerns about all this "Dictatorship Fuss" thing going on media about Regina Duarte's article.


After reading her article "Que classe é essa, companheiro?" you'll certainly notice a very clean concept - administration free of ideologies.

In her own words:
O País precisa de uma política cultural que transcenda ideologias.
(The country needs a cultural policy that transcends ideologies)

At first sight you "buy" the idea but thinking better I'd like to ask you:
Is this possible? Feasible?

Across the same article, we notice that concepts are set resembling a list like something entitled "This is the way I think, ideas that I fight for".
Like her, we all have our own list of things that we believe and fight for and such thing compounds what we are, the culture we embrace, the influences we accept and we reject.

So, how could it be possible to handle "culture" without ideologies if the former is the consequence of the latter?


Many people blame dictatorship period in Brazil summing up in a simple quote:
"It killed too many..."

Ok, so let's think about it.
Suppose that you go to England to overthrow Queen Elizabeth, or maybe you go to China or Russia to overthrow the communist regime.
Certainly, you'll try to stick together with others having the same target.
What do you think will happen to you and all others?

Every time a System is threatened it reacts to defend itself.
If you try to destroy, you may be destroyed.
Although ideology and political issues, it is yet a war.

Complaining that people died when they've attacked to destroy is the same as blaming a soldier for killing enemies in the war.
Putting in simple and straight words is simple like that!

Dictatorship is extremely dangerous and harmful because the power comes from "one desire over the others".

Due to our ego this a bad thing but suppose that the dictatorship had a very special personality, so good like the bests — kind, fair, honest, etc.
Wouldn't you like to be led by someone like this?
Suppose being governed by a saint...

So dictatorship is proportionally bad as it is our moral status or the leader's moral status. That way, it may be said that it is not bad or good by itself, but relative to our moral conditions.

Unfortunately, there is no regime free of some kind of dictatorship that turns it bad.
Democracies stand week to fight against the "Corruption's Dictatorship".
Same to Socialists regimes.

Besides corruption, every time someone or group gets powerful, some kind of dictatorship effect is hardly avoided due to egocentric issues.

Does this matter have a solution?

Certainly does but takes time.
It will require that the human being evolves reducing ideologies' differences considering key concerns.

Do you think impossible?
No, it is not.
Try to think about the concepts that in the past we fought for and now became common sense in modern society.
This is the evolution path.

I hope we all get this common sense sooner before we get destroyed by ourselves as we are known as a society nowadays, otherwise, a new civilization cycle will begin taking more time to learn the same lesson.

Eventually, we will all have to learn it while earth conditions sustains life.

maio 03, 2020

Coronavirus — A New Kind of War: Adaptivity

Below follows the e-mail sent to the New York Times Newspaper on May 3rd, 2020.

Abaixo, segue o e-mail enviado ao Jornal New York Times em 03/05/2020.


Next, the e-mail transcription.
A seguir, Transcrição do e-email.


We all have been living for a long time with the expectation that a pandemic issue was a matter of time.

Movies far beyond fed our imagination but we always think that they will keep their place just there, in the future.

I think it is time to give people a fair debate about our lives because politicians usually take care of theirs.

Your newspaper would have a great role in this because maturing thoughts everywhere is one of the best ways of sticking together with the reader in his daily thoughts.

Debate if a virus came out from a lab by accident or not won't lead us to make our lives keep going, nor will help thinking that stopping a nation would lead us to a better solution.

Let's do the maths.

What will damage more: the virus or the spread of poverty and desperation?

What weapon is more effective than the one that weakens another nation by itself while the enemy gets out faster from the checkmate?

What will rest after all of this is gone?

How many will dye indirectly (or not) due to the financial causes of an economic breakdown?

After all, does all this lockdown work?

Will we be immune for another spread?

Wasn't the life that changed becoming more fragile?

Why could doctors, nurses, and the rest of the staff involved do their work?
Shouldn't we all treat our jobs like doctors and nurses do to keep life going following their example, taking the same cautions?

Shouldn't we be preparing our education to change the style of our lives before our lives are gone?

What do we do in the future? Stop again?

Those nations where people learn how to keep going with their lives as the doctors do will prevail over the others that must stop because they do not adapt fast. "Dinos" have gone that way... they tell us.

It won't be just one stop since there is no guarantee that something like this will come back and back again, maybe in different forms, biologically mutated by the real nature or by the man's nature.

Mainly now, since if it was a leak from a lab, they've learned the way to do this.

Trump and Bolsonaro (president of my country) are not politicians and they are not doing what they should in the right way that it should be done.

We are now in a new kind of war — adaptivity.

Dinos have gone... hadn't they!
Thank you for this opportunity.

André Dias

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Pense Por Você Mesmo, Mesmo Que Seja Muito Difícil e Solitário

Pense por você mesmo, mesmo que seja muito difícil e solitário, porque é você quem paga pelas suas escolhas.

"In matters of thought and conduct, to be independent is to be abnormal, to be abnormal is to be detested."

Em questões do pensamento e conduta, ser independente é ser anormal, ser anormal é ser detestado.

Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)

E quando eu não consigo entender ou mesmo sequer supor uma solução?

Existem três tipos de assuntos:

- Aqueles que ninguém pode dar certeza absoluta e por isso vira uma questão de fé.
É o caso dos assuntos pertinentes às religiões.

- Aqueles que a ciência pode constatar.

- Todos os outros assuntos que não se enquadram necessariamente nos dois tópicos anteriores, geralmente filosofias de vida que podem ser agnósticas. Por exemplo, "Qual a melhor forma de me relacionar com meu parceiro ou parceira?" —  Neste exemplo, você pode definir uma conduta pessoal que nem mesmo depende de religião ou ciência. Rigidez ou tolerância? Dividimos ou compartilhamos? etc.

Tirando a ciência e a fé resta a vida a ser observada e entendida.
Use a experiência alheia como uma base, não como uma receita que você segue cegamente.
A vida de outra pessoa foi dela, contextos diferentes do seu. Server apenas como matéria prima para a sua decisão.

A decisão precisa ser sua.
Se não der certo, estará aprendendo por você.
Se der certo, o mérito será seu.

Quem abandona as próprias ideias, sempre paga pelas consequências mas nunca fica com o crédito da vitória.

Você terá vivido uma vida que não foi sua.

Podemos carregar dois pesos durante a morte:

- O que fizemos de errado e não conseguimos consertar.

- A vida que desperdiçamos.

P.S.: Inclusive este texto é apenas matéria prima para o seu pensamento  — pense por você mesmo e tire as suas conclusões.

A Bomba Atômica da Criminalidade

  Em alguns posts anteriores, há alguns anos antes, fui sinalizando que a criminalidade estava caminhando para a sua institucionalização. ...