julho 07, 2015

Connectivity side effect

I'd like to share some thoughts that recently came up.

My first understanding about the subject suggested by the photo led me think that the multitude of devices were stealing attention from real human relations.
So, analyzing more carefully, I could say that this "scape of attention" is not a matter of high tech distraction.
It just represents a new scape door from what it is boring or from what the person really wants to be out of.

For example, considering the example in the picture above, the couple, with or without Internet could be connected or not to each other.
The difference is that before we used an excuse, or we turned around to the other side with "headache" or we just opened a book pretending that we were reading, or etc.
The question is that on Internet you may choose to whom you want to speak with at that moment. There is the "choice" thing.
On the other hand, the physical daily relationship with people, it is something that most of the times you may not choose to be there or not.

At the end of my marriage, the last few years, I lived together, but absolutely alone and by that time there wasn't Internet, which could be a blessing if I had it.
From that, I've learned that being together does not mean you are really not alone...

The good side effect is that while people are in their own world, they do not fight.
When people want to sticky together, they turn off their devices for sure, spontaneously.

I see another bad side effect from this connectivity addiction.
They are transferring their lives to the Internet, loosing their privacy and freedom.

The last Schwarzenegger's film (Terminator Genisys) brings this subject up.
Hollywood or not, our privacy is going to the drain with our freedom.
The addiction makes us blind, because Internet nowadays means a way to supply "lack of attention".
For that, we pay high prices, but how much does it value our freedom?

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