julho 03, 2021


The current leadership model is based on the same patterns that have justified the endless wars that pervade the ephemeral leadership and power conquests.

They are:

- The fear of losing autonomy justifies, on behalf of liberty, to protect the homeland, despite that many times its own citizens are slaves of their own countries.

- The ambition to enrich by plundering (or taxing, etc.).
 This is the meaning of most of the invasions.

 - The ideological control.
If they don't think like us, they soon become a threat to the autonomy of our way of life.

Ideological control is a belief so deeply rooted in the way we act and feel, in fact, mandatory in our personal life, that it apparently becomes a different reason from the two previous ones, when most of the time it just covers them up, justifying "religiously" or “philosophically” the feeling of slavery that governs our thinking.

Yes, slavery is still the principle that supports our way of seeing and acting as a citizen, community, people, and nation.

Looking better, both the first case (the protection of autonomy), as well as the second (plundering), are actually means of improving our "status quo" through the exploitation of third parties and this is the principle that governs slavery—that is, submission by imposition to others in order to serve our interests without the balanced notion of reciprocal advantage.

The exploitation of third parties is intrinsic to our way of thinking, to such an extent that we only classify as “slavery” those beings submitted to our will that are of our own species, otherwise, enslaving everything that is not “human” seems like something natural as if everything else revolves around our ego.

"The truth is, we each of us have an inborn conviction that the whole world, with everybody and everything in it, was created as a sort of necessary appendage to ourselves. 
Our fellow men and women were made to admire us and to minister to our various requirements."
Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927)

The concept of “geocentrism”, where he Earth would be the center of the Universe, was a reflection of this feeling that still prevails in our Universe of thought where all beings and things seem to be there exclusively to meet our welfare needs.

Through this straightforward introspection about who we really are, still, it is much easier to understand why so many wars, which not only consume precious resources that could be used to build an advanced society as concerns moral/social aspects, but also contribute to the destruction of the planet as sources for the global warming, pollution and destruction.

This is the current panorama that we have inherited from the times that are lost in time and dictate our behavior.

Faced with a dying planet, the need dictated by the reduction of resources will foster an increase in dispute and tension, adding to our "slavery" instinct a feeling that justifies "genocidal acts" more and more often, until it falls into the everyday triviality, exacerbating our aggressiveness and making us even more impervious to perceptions that this “abundance”, now in danger, that helped to allow us to remain rooted in these emotional addictions that threat our future survival, at least as we know as our way of living.

There is one instinct that prevails over all others — the survival instinct, self-preservation.

It can be the bridge to save us all from extinction, or rolling back the society to its primitive ways.

Today we seek self-preservation at any cost, solving now and compromising tomorrow. If we continue on this course of action, we will also lack human resources because it will be inevitable that our self-extermination will reduce the number of participants in this likely genocidal race.

Before we reach such a degrading stage of self-destruction, there is still the possibility that more rational groups will begin to realize that there is no nation without taking care of its own people, understanding the importance of this as a political lever for stability and maintenance of the strength of the nation.

A nation becomes strong through the strengthened if its people.

Misery and hunger never held power to endure longer, but they are the very instruments of chaos when hopes die and revolt against the instruments of power that led to it when failing in its mission.

If great leaders begin to formulate a likely projection of what would be people uncontrolled by the general absence of basic subsistence, where the concept of "state" is supplanted by survival at any cost, they will also begin to realize that the strength of political leadership will consolidate through those who provide a consistent plan of hope subsidized in actions to preserve and rebuild the “habitat” that preserves us as “humans”.

The nations that invest in the achievement of this goal will enlist the complicity of others, whose bloc will constitute the foundation of the power that will define the new order.

It doesn't matter how powerful a nation may be in isolation, because isolation will be its greatest weakness.

This behavioral change that follows critical moments, including in our personal life when unexpected events change our way of living and thinking, will sustain the strength for the hope in our survival success under a new behavioral pattern that will eradicate the previous model in towards the “socio-moral” improvement of our race. It will come from the same fear that sustained the previous pattern, but modified by the fear of extermination.

It could be the big shift that will take flight at the hands of skilled politicians and leaders who can read this growing human anxiety in favor of leading the mass toward the leadership that nurtures the future. In other words, leadership will be consolidated through the political effort to catalyze collective hope and commitment to rebuild life.

Our behavioral change will not come through kindness or intelligence, but through reengineering what brought us to the critical state—fear and greed.

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