outubro 03, 2017

USA - from 8 to 800 - Things that compromise your global leadership

Picture from "O Globo Newspaper" email.

Put together the facts of these events ...

1. One individual, only one, traveling freely with 23 guns, including rifles, all "operational" (fit to be used), checking in hotel, running around town, all with his small arsenal, that alone could arm a small attack squad.

No preventive measure in any locality where he traveled in the middle of the era of embedded technology ...

One guy with his AK47 goes far beyond self-defense ... then imagine 23 "self-defense artifacts"?!

If he were an American citizen converted to the "Islamic State", without any trace of an unbalanced man, except by his cold fanaticism, he could have decimated hundreds of people rather than dozens, as he did.

2. The US gun lobby has financed the Trump's campaign.

3. The "Islamic State" tried to claim the authorship, but without effect.
Certainly a feat that is so good in their eyes, it will not be forgotten given its "didactic", which will certainly be observed in all its details, broadening the understanding of the fragility of the enemy.
For what man bomb? Car bomb? Tactic perhaps less efficient, since it often killed much less ...

Constantly disappointed by a chaotic Brazil, I begin to understand that part of the chaos of a society comes from the synergistic effect from external chaos, whose origin lies almost always in blind, hallucinated ambition.
That same ambition daughter of immediacy that solves today at the cost of jeopardizing the tomorrow of all.

Madness is not only a privilege of "insanity" inherited by the Brazilian land concerning the way of its colonization, as many believe, but a worldwide fatality, constantly observed in events all over the planet, from mass murder in the manner of the old west to the insanity of seeking a genocidal atomic attack, repeating old imbalances that we thought extinct with the end of the Third Reich.

An event to be not forgotten due its lessons.

Death wanders unscathed and mighty, hand in hand with mad ambition.
There is no social reform that steadily consolidates in any country without the support of a global consensus in the same direction, communing with the deep respect for life.

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A Bomba Atômica da Criminalidade

  Em alguns posts anteriores, há alguns anos antes, fui sinalizando que a criminalidade estava caminhando para a sua institucionalização. ...