maio 16, 2024

Terrorism vs. War - Can You Explain the Difference?

Ideological fanatics carrying bombs on their bodies exploded themselves in public areas killing civilians, or using car bombs parked in strategic places. At the height of terrorism, we saw the two American towers being imploded by airplanes acting as missiles.

In the Gaza war, thousands of civilians were sacrificed by missile attacks, tanks, military mistakes, and the destruction of basic life support (hospitals, potable water, etc.).

In Putin's war we have the constant missiles strikes against civilian targets, when it is not the direct atrocity of Russian troops decimating populations.

So what is the same difference between terrorism and war?

Perhaps terrorism is a war of the "poor people" who do not have the resources for missiles or the possibility to use tanks and platoons.

Given some thought, we see that the final effect looks the same, doesn't it?

Would the UN and the USA be able to review the concept of what terrorism is and what makes the difference of wars from a practical point of view, since in both cases the enemy publicly declares the state of war and the intention of attacking with civilian deaths as a strategy to beat or expand the opponent?

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