maio 19, 2024

The Ideology and the Idealists


Greta Thunberg, now an adult, seems to continue in the same route as her childhood career, and is wasting the opportunity to give a new sense to her purposes, taking advantage of her natural charisma and energy through a new strategy that is more coherent with the needs of the current moment.

The climax of awareness through protests and complaints has passed and it seems that she still doesn't understand this, since in her words, "complaining is what we know how to do".

When I heard this in an interview on YouTube, I put my head down and sent the address of a post via email to her. I assume she read it, at least the server registered the access as soon as the email was sent, but it remained there, without an echo. She seems to have ears only for the cries of demands.

The whole world is now more than aware of the need to preserve the environment.

We are gradually frying in progressive heat due to an increasingly perverse climate, subjecting us to increasingly intense extremes, from floods to the increase in desert areas. Brazil did not have an arid area, now it does, according to the latest statement.

Study finds arid region in Brazil for the first time; see where it is and why it worries - Estadão

At this moment, what the world needs is a socioeconomic strategy that advances the progress of this purpose of reversing the harmful consequences to our environment due to our progress and way of living.

Solutions such as the "Carbon Market", the Green Fund (USA), and other actions that aim to give new directions to our global transformation chain through economic advantages, because we humans have come this far due to economic necessity and we will only get out of this climate impasse through the same form.

You can scream, shout slogans until exhaustion when what really makes a difference is the siren song of profits that economic necessity imposes.

Greta and other activists need to find their new role in this strategy, building new characters that add to the solutions instead of adding to the complaints, as they all do because they are less challenging, otherwise one could end up infected by the virus of radicalism that seeks to call the attention in any way, or even worse, ending up in oblivion, under the frustration of ineffectiveness, dimming the brilliance of previously constructed contributions!

Perhaps she, along with others, could channel her energies into a political career that is the means of influencing the new policies that will form the foundations of the new world, a role more suited to the adult she is today.

So activists!
So, Thunberg!

A new party? The GP (Green Party)? Or something like this?

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