Become an Activist or a "Mini Activist" but do something to ensure life!
The torrent of "fake news" is so great that it is necessary to fight it creating another one in the opposite direction, for the truth and for the best, because the first, since they are lies, can only be in the service of bad interests, otherwise, there wouldn't be something to hide, falsify or lie.
As "fake news" intensified into weapons of culture wars used by extremists of all stripes, whether on the right or left, there were several attempts to combat it.
Among them, the Brazilian judiciary and congress work on laws as a way to criminalize fake news.
The law works very well when the person who breaks the law has a known and certain address.
Without "address" (or any other form of identification) there is no way to enforce the law.
Who will you punish? How?
You can argue that it is possible to discover the origins, but because they are numerous, massive, the process becomes expensive and time-consuming.
It may be a crime, but in practice, the "law does not work" because it is unenforceable or its effect is far less than necessary, even more so when part of the government itself ends up involved.
The Internet needs to preserve the right to privacy.
The negative side of this is that precisely by taking advantage of this right, crime acts quietly, taking advantage to use freedom in favor of its hidden interests.
Out of desperation, there were even proposals for drastic solutions, such as “encryption restrictions”, which would be absurd because it would make privacy as a right unfeasible.
Oh, oh! Mr. Obama!
Desperate and extremist solutions are always like this: change the wet for the rainy day.
Become an activist or at least a mini activist.
It's simple, just start with these two basic precepts:
1- Do not forward a message that is not validated.
There are trusted sites for that, for instance, recognized newspapers and sources, then compare.
"Don't get misled for a site that works for the opposite side, validating everything that it is wrong and false."
If you can't validate, then don't share.
Beat the sharing addiction!
2- Check if the message favors nature, climate, life preservation through respect and freedom — the positive side!
You are the filter.
The consciousness is your judge.
Nothing goes unpunished, even if it takes "an eternity" for the consequences of the mistake.
Join the "good side of the force"!
Fight "fake news" with "good news".
Become a "mini activist".
It costs so little and is worth so much!
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