março 06, 2022

Billions of Dollars and Billions of People = SUCCESS


Billions of dollars spent on aiding Ukraine as a result of the Russian invasion represent not only the solidarity of nations to the cause but also an act of resistance to the practice of a solution that is inappropriate and unacceptable for our century — the imposition of death when conquest should come by seduction.

What is good, seduces.

Any regime that is not able to seduce by the reality of its citizens' lives is doomed to transformation.

A financial effort such as that could, and should, be made continuously to provide means of sustaining life through the creation of an entity represented by the overwhelming majority of countries, or else, correct the omissions of the entity or entities that should have fulfilled this role but so far have failed.

Part of these resources could still support genuine activist activities because there is no shortage of authentic activists.

Evolution is the path of consensus.

I believe that it is consensus that a broad and general war, where desperation will lead to the ultimate consequences, will not provide winners.

Thus, being a simple widely perceived and accepted principle, it becomes perfectly feasible for the vast majority of countries to converge and consolidate the strength of a world entity that disciplines the ways of resolving conflicts, exterminating the genocide of the 21st century.

For countries to take this path, incentives are needed.

The attitude of leaders like Putin, and others who may come, served as a great incentive to wake up the whole world, especially Europe.

Coordinated and peaceful popular movements, however persistent and extremely reluctant in their determination through apolitical activist organizations, will help to foster this purpose and strengthen this regulatory entity in favor of the minimum – THE RIGHT TO SURVIVAL, and even better, THE RIGHT TO LIFE.

No people, leader, or individual, has the right to threaten this primary and universal right.

Attitudes threatening this principle as a means of leveraging negotiations are far beyond unacceptable and should be permanently banned.

The effort to converge to this basic principle of respect for life, born with “human rights” a long time ago, whether through religious or political initiatives, needs constant maintenance in order not to become history, because time passes, and in moments of peace we seem to “want to forget them” only coming to reason in moments of despair.

We need to maintain permanent actions to build the “shoal effect” or “critical mass”, that is when a large mass of converging opinion drags the rest of it and starts to grow by itself like a snowball that descends the mountain of disparity to end up in the valley of convergence.

Even dictatorial nations that restrict freedom of popular expressions such as Russia, China, North Korea and others will find it difficult to contain such a movement, intrinsically peaceful, orderly, organized, constant as the dripping of water on a stone until it makes its hole, just as we see water and wind carving the more rigid nature.

I believe that the survival instinct speaks louder for everyone, without distinction.

And for that reason, we cannot live under the constant threat of destruction, either by climate destruction, or by the destruction of ecology, or by the destruction of the human being by the human being.

In countries that ostracize their population, the Internet, with the help of special and dedicated networks, can keep the conviction strength alive and extract “peaceful non-collaboration” actions.

This strategy of "no cooperation" was embodied by Gandhi and the success did not come without tenacious persistence and sacrifice, but both sustained by certainty that survives the death, keeping this principles traveling in time emanating the living message that points to the direction to follow.

A movement with the force of life for life will have the gift of isolating the groups of power that insist on nourishing themselves from death by subjugation through violence and terror, undermining their number, isolating them more and more.

It is necessary to bend the arm of the balance of life in favor of life itself.

Gandhi is right: peaceful non-cooperation is the path of right and balance.

And embracing something like that, fighting and keeping the flame alive within us, takes as much or more courage than taking up arms and facing death, because the warrior's prize through arms comes from the imagined rest through his death, but surviving and despite everything you still  maintain determination when suffering shatters the spirit demand much more courage and energy to go on with life, because life does not find refuge in death but in the hope of its renewal.

Don't be fooled by the anxiety of immediacy, believing that hard solutions without quick solutions are ineffective.

Do something, however simple and small it may be, but do it or keep doing it.

And if you think the message of this article is worth it, share it, no matter how, whether in your own words or not, but don't expect the solution to happen through the hands of others.

Do your job. Participate and act.

By spreading the word, we are creating consensus.

And this is the evolution: a path to the consensus.


Ukraine vs. Russia 2 – And now? What does all this concern you?

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