março 04, 2022

Ukraine vs. Russia 2 – And now? What does all this concern you?

"Evolution is the path to consensus."

This post continues the previous post "Ukraine vs. Russia – Choose your side if you can!", where I started by stating that Putin's attitude is dinosaurian, unsustainable for the 21st century.

Putin, however, knows this and is counting on it!

He plays the game of “all or nothing”, in the strategy in which “if I don't take it, nobody takes it and there's nothing left”.

Anyone who thinks Putin is bluffing will be disappointed.

He counts precisely on the unsustainability caused by a third nuclear war!

And he will succeed, at least in the short and medium-term, because the world has not prepared itself, and this was the ruse of his strategy - to hit the weak spot.

“If I don't take it, there's nothing left for anyone! And now, what!???"

With the destructive power of today's nuclear missiles, a rapid exchange of missiles on both sides will leave a much greater trail of destruction than the one caused by their explosions.

The side effect is the worst stage of this type of bomb — residual radioactivity.

For example, Japan (WWII, Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and the Russian mistake in Chenorbyl (Ukraine), motivated by the explosion of a nuclear power plant reactor, which left serious consequences, forcing the world to create a protection dome to contain the radiation, where the US participated with much of the capital needed to correct Russian recklessness.

The cold war also resulted in the scrapping of an immense amount of arsenal, including a lot of atomic waste that was buried to avoid contamination, but the “tomb” of some begins to leak the radioactivity that it was intended to contain.

The world returns to the “status quo” of the cold war, no longer between two countries, but now between entire continents.

The arms race will be multiplied worldwide as it is still believed that it is necessary to present great destructive capacity to earn the enemy's respect.

Kim Jong-il (North Korea) plays the same game. The same goes for Iran in its attempts, whose US effort has been trying to prevent the enrichment of uranium and other techniques that make nuclear power viable.

Many leaders still seek to support the peace sustained by its destructive power as the only effective strategy of containment, power and protection.

All this is outdated strategy!
Showing your teeth like ferocious wolves to show the power of your fangs is no longer a solution.



Putin knows this, and he plays the game that we postponed to find a solution, and he plays for that very reason.

So we return to his proposal: “If I don't take it, nobody else takes it”, which puts the world in check!

He makes his message very clear.

Putin is a radical, a dictator, but he is intelligent, but pride and ambition speak louder than survival itself. Isn't that why a soldier feels honored to die in a battle?

It's the same reasoning.

We have finally reached the impasse that the world decided to postpone.
Close your eyes, ignore.

The very same attitude we all usually take when facing hard challenges.

Every misfortune, however, has its positive side, however painful it may be.

Since the inevitable has happened and we will have to pay its price, then why not make use of its positive side through new solutions, or even for the collective global “social advancement”?

After all, if life gives you lemons, make lemonade (only this time life gives us atomic lemons... so be careful with the lemonade!)

It's time for the world to do its homework!

We can no longer delay.

Olaf Scholz (Germany) announced that he will double investment in weapons.

Others will do the same, while others keep doing what they were already doing before.

All this has such a short practical sense in the event of its use, that the after is what really matters!

And it is precisely when weighing the consequences that the world leaders with the massive support of popular acclaim need to determine to finish the incomplete “homework”, urgently — A WORLD ORGANIZATION IS NEEDED TO DEFINE OBVIOUS CONCEPTS OF HUMAN RACE SURVIVAL AND HAVE THE STRENGTH TO EXERCISE THEM.

Today, we have Putin calling attention to his demands through atomic threat, tomorrow possibly somebody else. It can become fashionable like kidnappings, etc.

Will this happen?

It depends on the “balance between those who love life versus those whose life purpose is only conquest through destruction and power”.

Don't lock yourself in your happy world by ignoring your participation.

Happiness depends on your shelf with food.

Happiness also depends on your health, which only a reasonably sane world can sustain.

Although it is a “myth” that the ostrich, in the face of danger, sticks its head in a hole leaving its body out, certainly many humans act like this. They simply ignore unpleasant things with the excuse that they are powerless and can do nothing.

Pure excuse! Pure convenience of self-indulgence and selfishness, not smart.

We can do it! And we must.

And we desperately need it!

Start by talking to people you know.

Let the pro-life stream of thought tip the balance in favor of those who love life.

You have to take a stand and do something.

Ignoring is a crime of omission. Also cowardice and connivance/complicity.

It's like watching a child being beaten and doing absolutely nothing, not even trying to do anything, even a "scream".

Awareness comes from taking and listening to proposals, putting the subject on the table of our day-to-day and seeking in small actions to give our share of contribution, disseminating proposals that draw everyone's attention. This is the process of convergence of opinion that forms and concretizes mass power and embodies its political representation.

While “Tik Tok”, “Facebook” and other social media are crammed with trivia that amuse us, why not replace them in part with the need for a worldwide uprising in favor of an entity that can serve as a means of containment???


China supported Putin and later changed its support by declaring itself in favor of a diplomatic solution. Mistake. Too late.

Putin would have less incentive to do what he is doing, or perhaps not even be able to do it, if they couldn't count on the support he receives, internally and externally.

Putin is just one man at the head of a group vying for power.

He is not a nation, but the support he receives makes it all possible.

What do these people think about the worst?

Those privileged people imagine living decades in their bunkers, protecting themselves from the remaining radiation, or will they flee to “paradises” not yet contaminated, leaving the mass to bear the brunt of their game of power and ambitions?

Europe united on a blue map, but divided in attitudes, was once again surprised, with the previous lessons not learnt from the world wars that could encourage more convergences than prolonging the discussion of divergences.

A country is the result of the attitude of the people through its politicians!
This in those countries with freedom of participation.

The Russian people even tried to demonstrate, but Putin's hand hit his own people hard, as is the practice of every dictator.

If we do not fulfill our democratic duty, we will certainly end up losing the right to use it through the hands of dictators.

If you abandon it, other will take care of it! 😁

And Brazil runs the same risk by supporting politicians with notably dictatorial veins.

Do not support leaders with despotic, dictatorial tendencies.

Look beyond your devotion or your hope, or even your despair for lack of choice.

These feelings are bad advisors.
Read more, run away from fake news and misinformation.


The “world” needs to have the means to contain “Putins”, which by the way are many.

Weapons have reached the end of their practical usefulness for this purpose.


Such principles are few, but sufficient, therefore feasible.

Apart from that, only discovering a “vaccine” against radiation (so far there is no large-scale resource for the annulment of radioactive effects whose death is painful, varied and slow).


Hi, activists!
It's time to rethink activism!

Hi, citizens!
The time has come for every citizen to become an activist!

In fact... we are late, but as things only start to happen in the face of despair, I hope it doesn't take even more despair for you to start doing something, no matter how small.

This idea needs to go viral.



Billions of Dollars and Billions of People = SUCCESS

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